Sunday, May 30, 2010

I have recently attempted to re-vamp my artistic side. Not drawing or painting anything but little drawings for fun, maybe. Snagging photos posted by relatives on their social networking sites for my inspiration I began to's a beginning. I am pleased with my accomplishments and I did better than I thought I ever could. This is a series of pastel portraits I plan to do, all from photographs.
The first attempt (before 'Poolside Brotherly Love') is a portrait of my niece and sister. 14"x 14" pastel on paper (untitled), I was surprised with my results. In the past my portraits were frustrating. Although this attempt is by no means at the level I wish I was at, at my age. It was satisfying to see what I could accomplish when I pushed myself.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Poolside Brotherly Love

This is the second of my pastel portraits this year. Once again surprised at my ability. This one was a big challenge for me as it is I have never attempted to capture this kind of lighting or detail.

In the past it seemed that my work always lacked something, dead and drab looking compared to the photo I was going by. The addition of a printer and photo shop has given me the ability to enlarge the image. When I started drawing this one something seemed to click, I was seeing colors I had never thought I would reflecting on skin, hair, etc.

The result made me happy as I went along. It was a slow process partly because I was still unsure of what I was doing (and not wanting to ruin my picture) and the fact that I worked during the week. I find ,after a 10 hour workday, it seems my mind is tired and it's hard for me to concentrate on drawing.
I named this one 'Poolside Brotherly Love' and the picture is of my nephew's sons. Pastel on paper 11"x 14". Now on to the next!